+386 (0)2 228 72 80 info@konservatorij-maribor.si

‘When we help others, we get the privilege to help ourselves.’


The aim  of the school fund is to offer financial support for those extracurricular activities which are not funded by public finances.

The fund receives the money in the following ways, regulated  by law:

  • from contributions by parents
  • from donations and legacies
  • from sponsorships
  • from payments for our concerts and other cultural events.

The money from the fund is used:

  • to pay  the native speaker
  • to purchase classroom/ teaching  resources (smartboards, computers….)
  • to finance special projects and activities (research, sports, cultural-projects)
  • for exchange visits, international events
  • for the  school textbook fund

How can you help?

On 10. January 2015, The Board of the School Trust Fund  proposed the voluntary annual contribution of 30 euros per student to be paid on the school’s bank account.

Account name: Konservatorij Maribor
Account number: SI56 01270 603 070 1408
Reference: SI 00 299600
